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Dinner: Mexican Tacos and Freshly Made Salsa

What's a better way of enjoying your dinner in a hot weather than eating exotic food that refreshes your palate and cools you down physically and mentally.

When the temperature started soaring the other day, I couldn't think of any other dish to make for dinner than freshly made simple ground beef tacos with chopped iceberg lettuce, tomatoes, onions, cilantro, and taco cheese, served on a choice of soft corn tortillas or hard taco shell topped with freshly made Salsa out of fresh roma tomatoes with a hint of lime juice. On the side, I also served crispy corn chips to be eaten with the freshly made Salsa. Both recipes you can find at my other website:

Living next door to a gourmet mexican-american neighbor, Blanca and Hector Gonzales and their three lovely children is so much a blessing. They cater and cook delicious authentic mexican dishes. We were lucky enough to have them cater for my granddaughter, Samantha Kho's, 4th Birthday Party which was held at my home in 2006.


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