Much of tonight's dinner conversation was about this coming friday's dinner menu. My son announced that he has some friends coming and my daughter seconded with her intention to invite some of her friends to join in to celebrate halloween.
It's halloween already? Can someone tell me where all the time went? All I know is I have to buy bags and bags of candies for the children who come every year, clean the house, organize my office and my bedroom, catch up with my blogs, go for my medical appointments, buy my medicines, cook dinner, wash the plates, bring my car for oil change, talk to my customer, check my emails, open mails and packages, call my sister to thank her for the birthday gift she sent to me, check on my Facebook pages, clear the pile on my desk, bring my car to Autobahn for oil change, etc.
Yes, it's 3 more days before halloween and I'm not ready. Anyway, ready or not, here's to everyone..Happy Halloween!